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The most active contributors

Recent contributors list

1 RicardoBalk - html/inline-elements

2 briannaxrene - html/definition

3 mrnonz - aws/lambda

4 R_acioly - git/switch

5 jmsche - js/combine-strings

6 srimaniteja19 - js/unary-plus

7 tijmen_de_jong - html/quotations

8 jmsche - html/target

9 jmsche - html/numbered-list

10 celothedev - js/not-equal

Top contributors list

1 madzadev - 501 commits

2 afif13 - 5 commits

3 jmsche - 3 commits

4 m-weeks - 3 commits

5 celothedev - 2 commits

6 RicardoBalk - 1 commit

7 briannaxrene - 1 commit

8 mrnonz - 1 commit

9 R_acioly - 1 commit

10 tijmen_de_jong - 1 commit